She said, "We love this place. It is such a special place. We really felt the Spirit of God this weekend." These are sentiments expressed on countless occasions by our guests as their weekends at Cross Roads wind to a close; but, she continued, "I know that lots of others come here, just like we did, bringing their hurts... issues... pain, sin, and leave them here on this sacred ground." I laughed, and replied, "We are kind of like a garbage dump, right?"
I must say, the thought didn't sit with me very well. I wasn't sure I liked Cross Roads being compared to a garbage dump. The image of the grounds being poisoned by all that negative energy was unsettling. I knew God was behind this revelation, and that I was supposed to share it, but didn't know how I felt about it, much less what to say.
Then this morning, the camp manager, Michael, who had no knowledge of my previous conversation, was talking about how so many people came here, dumped their baggage and found a path to healing. Once again, I knew God was trying to show me something.
Then it hit me, God can use anything or ANYONE to make something GOOD - even garbage. Garbage when composted with warm sunlight and fresh air becomes fertile soil. I see it now, every person who leaves their garbage at Cross Roads gives God the material He needs to fertilize these sacred grounds and keep them producing the fresh fruit of the Spirit.
Praise God.